Optimism and activism as resources for normalizing mental health in young people during pandemic and self-isolation

  • Черемискина Ирина Игоревна

    I. I. Cheremiskina. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


Each of us faces a certain amount of daily stress, so-called daily stress, that we are accustomed to dealing with, but the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated limitations have significantly changed the way of life of many of us and, as the psychologists have noted, The stress on the world’s population has been multiplied. Fear, anxiety, a sense of uncertainty about the future have become dominant in many people. This situation is due both to objective factors: information pressure, deprivation, social and economic instability, and to personal characteristics, that is, subjective factors. The search for resources to normalize the mental state of people during a pandemic and self-isolation has become
one of the urgent tasks of practical psychologists. This article presents the results of a study of the dominant mental condition of young people during a pandemic and selfisolation, and how its parameters relate to personality traits such as optimism and activity.
There is scientific evidence in psychology that these qualities generally contribute to the high psychological well-being of people. The study was conducted remotely by means of a test questionnaire. As a result, it was found that most of the young people who took part in the study belong to the personality type «passive pessimists», they have low levels of optimism and activity, It’s related to their negative mental state during
the pandemic and self-isolation. It is also shown that high personal activity contributes to the choice of optimal strategies for overcoming and normalizing mental state. A balanced optimism allowed young people to remain calm during this period.On the contrary, high levels of optimism have contributed to growing anxiety and anxiety. The findings have broadened the theoretical understanding of individual optimism and activity as a stress-management resource and can be used to create programmes to prevent suboptimal states in young people during periods of increased stress.
Keywords: pandemic and self-isolation, negative mental state, resources to overcome negative state, personality traits, optimism and activity, young people.